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News & Blog

Welcome to our News & Blog where our Subject Matter Experts cover a variety of AEC topics every week!

Meet the Experts: Tanya Coachman

Behind the Scenes: Meet Tanya Coachman Go behind the scenes as we introduce the critical members of the team that deliver the best content, technology and services for the AECO industry. This week, we catch up with Tanya Coachman. Tanya  joined the company seven years...

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MasterSpec as a Trusted Resource: We’ve Got Your Back

In recent news, the controversy surrounding data privacy at Facebook has come to light in the popular press and caused many of us to realize that we really aren’t certain what data is being collected about us on various sites and apps, or how that data is being used....

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MasterSpec’s Content Requests Link

The strength of AIA MasterSpec is its user base, which is three to four times larger than any comparable master guide specification system, and one of the most knowledgeable. Avitru believes that by leveraging the wisdom of MasterSpec’s user base and by being more...

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Editing Specifications in the Cloud

Cloud computing has been around for approximately two decades. Now there is a body of evidence pointing to the business efficiencies and cost benefits that cloud-based solutions provide compared to desktop-delivered solutions. Though a large portion of the business...

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